Chapter 2-2 :Self Esteem - Fault

Chapter 2:Self Esteem

Entry 2: Fault

In order to get control over your target you must use a good supply of focused gaslighting. The focused gaslighting will be directed at making sure that they feel as though they are the ones that are at fault. You have to relentlessly put the ideas into their mind that they are defective. They have to internalize this and they have to believe it.

One effective method of getting that control over them is to make them think that they are a narcissist. A narcissist is something that is pretty universally agreed to as a bad person. Not many people look at the disorder from the clinical perspective so if you can make them doubt themselves and think that they are the narcissist then it’ll further break down their identity, their self esteem, and their sense of self.

Only, you can’t get them to internalize this from telling them per se unless you can find a lot of outside sources that will tell them in discreet and subtle ways.

What you need to do is to get them enough reading material that goes over the condition of the narcissist and their symptoms . You need material that focuses on the facts that a narcissist is unable to see that they are the ones with the disorder, that the narcissist is unable to self reflect or to look at their own actions properly and are unable to be accountable, and that they do not think that what they are is abusive.

There are tons of articles on Quora and other sites that discuss these traits. The more you can get them to question whether or not they have the disorder the more you’ll break down that sense of self worth.

You have to play victim whenever they make some slight and you set up conditions as often as you can where they have two choices and both of them you can find something wrong with. Keep invalidating them and wait until they snap and then play victim. You must look hurt and pretend you were harmed by their words and you should induce shame upon them by doing so.

The more you can induce this type of shame on them the more you can start to shape their behavior to be what you want it to be. If you can get them to doubt themselves or accept in some small way that they are a narcissist then you can utilize this anytime they do something that can be perceived as selfish.

If they ever stand up for themselves tell them they are selfish. If they ever swear or raise their voice then you tell them that they are abusive. You keep chipping away at them until they start to doubt everything that they say or do because there is always something wrong with it.


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